We install a water treatment system with payment for purified water
  • From 20 rubles per 1 m3
  • 100% decontamination
  • The system removes 100% iron
  • The system removes turbidity, color and odor from water
Only for businesses, from 70 m3
We install water purification equipment
Pay for 1 m3 of purified water
The advantages and differences from other water purification systems
Efficiency (consumption 0.7 kW/m3)
Absence of chemicals (only electric energy use)
Texting about failures or problems
We manufacture our own components: pumps, ozone generators, injectors, etc.)
Water purification up to 0.1 micron
Complete automation of operation, not demanding any servicing with remote control of the system’s operation
Double stepwise bed filter
OCF technology (ozone cation-ion exchange microfiltration)
100% decontamination (no use of hypochloride, chlorine, or chlorides)
High efficiency of removing iron, turbidity, color, etc. (from 95% to 100%)
The equipment is unique
Compact size
*- Depending on equipment productivity
What is OCF?
- It is a technology which consists in variable supply of the necessary amount of ozone to a closed water treatment system using a saturation device, under pressure.

As a result, oxidation and coagulation of organic matter, iron, etc. take place. Primary treatment occurs in a bed filter with glass balls of different sizes. Further on, filtration continues in a bed filter with activated charcoal pellets of a special size.

Back flushing of the filters is carried out using purified water with ozone bubbles, which allow removal of the formed growth of organic matter on glass balls and regeneration of activated charcoal.
When filters are flushed, the system’s operation continues.
Productivity from 3 tons per hour!
Two options

An autonomous outdoor water treatment plant (KM)
An indoor plant (K)
PWS 1,5/3
Productivity up to 3 m3/hour
Electricity consumption 3 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 1.7 x 0,28 x 1.8 – 2 х 1 х 1.5
Productivity up to 5 m3/hour
Electricity consumption 0.8 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 1.3 0.7. 2.05
PWS 5-10 KM
Productivity up to 10 m3/hour
Electricity consumption 1 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 3 2.4 2.4
PWS 10-20 KM
Productivity up to 20 m3/hour
Electricity consumption from 2.8 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 6.0 2.4 2.4
PWS 20-30 K/KM
Productivity up to 30 m3/hour
Electricity consumption from 3.5 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 6.0 2.4 2.4
PWS 35-50 K/KM
Productivity up to 50 m3/hour
Electricity consumption from 6 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 7.0 4.8 2.4
PWS 50-60 K/KM
Productivity up to 60 m3/hour
Electricity consumption from 12 kW/hour
Dimensions (length x width x height) 7.0 7.2 2.4
Customized project
We are ready to manufacture a customized water treatment plant according to your own requirements.
PWS 1/4 for emergency works with a trailer
Plant option
Automatic suction pump
Suction hose 35 m
Supply hose 25 m
Completed projects
УВП 10
The result of water purification in Karelia, Russia
Learn the cost of your water purification system
Indicate your phone number in your enquiry. Our employees will contact you, answer all of your questions and prepare a commercial offer for you.
Contribution to health maintenance (the water treatment plants PWS are operated under the Public- Private Federal Program Pure Water, the Nation’s Health.
Unlike other water treatment systems, the plant not only softens water but also removes 100% iron and other metals, 99% organic matter, 99.9% mechanical admixtures.
Comfort of use: the plant is installed once, it is built-in into the existing water supply system; fully automatic operation, the plant does not require servicing, there are no chemical reagents and filter elements to be replaced.
Comfortable introduction: fast and simple installation, taking 2 days together with the launching works, the plant operation is by GSM
The main bed filter is automatically cleaned, no servicing and replacement of cartridges are required.
What do you get buying a PWS plant?
Low energy consumption with high productivity
Oxygen-rich water useful for you
Warranty and service support 24 hours/day.
The plant we offer effectively solves simultaneously several problems: it purifies water, softens it, removes iron from it, disinfects it, improves the color and smell of water.
Предлагаемая установка эффективно решает одновременно несколько проблем: очищает воду,
умягчает ее, обезжелезивает, дезинфицирует, улучшает цвет и запах воды

Низкое энергопотребление
при высокой производительности

Вклад в поддержание здоровья населения страны (Установки серии
УВП представлены под эгидой Частной Федеральной Программы «Чистая вода – здоровье нации»)

В отличие от других систем водоочистки не просто смягчает воду, но и удаляет железо
и другие металлы до 100%,
органику на 99%,
механические примеси
на 99,9%

Основной засыпной фильтр
с самоочисткой, не требуется обслуживание и замена картриджей

Комфортное внедрение: быстрый простой монтаж, вместе с пуско-наладочными работами – 2 дня - удаленно управляется через GSM

Насыщенную кислородом
воду, полезную для организма

Удобство использования: единоразово устанавливается, встраивается в действующую систему водоснабжения, полностью автоматическая работа, установка не требует обслуживания, нет никаких химических реагентов и сменных элементов

Гарантийную и сервисную поддержку 24 часа в сутки
Water purification system PWS 10-20 KM
Two options
Autonomous outdoor plant
Indoor plant

  • Productivity up to 20 m3
Water purification system PWS 20-30 KM
Water purification system PWS 35-50 KM
Water purification system PWS 50-60 KM
Two options
Autonomous outdoor plant
Indoor plant

  • Productivity up to 30 m3
Two options
Autonomous outdoor plant
Indoor plant

  • Productivity up to 50 m3
Two options
Autonomous outdoor plant
Indoor plant

  • Productivity up to 60 m3
Water purification system PWS 5-10 KM
Autonomous outdoor plant

  • Productivity up to 10 m3

About us
NAGRO group of companies and PWS brand (Purified Water System)

We are operating under the Public-Private Federal Program Pure Water, the Nation’s Health

The designer of effective water purification technologies

95% production localization
Answers to questions
What makes the PWS water purification system different from other water treatment systems?

The plant we offer effectively solves simultaneously several problems: it purifies water, softens it, removes iron from it and disinfects it. Unlike other plants, it not only softens water, replacing harmful salts with other less harmful salts, but also removes 95% iron and other metals, 99% organic matter, and 99.9% mechanical admixtures.

They have replaceable filters, cartridges, etc. How about you? What do you have to change?

Nothing! The system is installed only once into the operating water supply system, the operation is fully automatic, the system does not require servicing, it does not have any chemical reagents and replaceable components.

I did not find the equipment in your product line which has the productivity we need. Do you do customized projects?

Yes, we have a team of professional engineers and designers who will easily help you to reach your goals.

What can your water treatment system do?

It can remove iron and other metals (95%), remove organic matter and mechanical admixtures. The system allows disinfection of water (removes viruses and bacteria). The system does not use chemical reagents (no chemicals at all). It does not require any replaceable components, does not need servicing, and installation is easy. The system has low energy consumption, although its productivity is high. The purification method consists in ozone supply to water under pressure + filtration.

Are you just a supplier?

No, we have our own production facility in Moscow, coupled with many years’ experience of our professionals, which allows us to design and develop such technologies. Due to almost 95% localization of production in Russia, we are able to keep the prices at an affordable level.

Video presentation of PWS 20
Our clients
Working with clients all over Russia and abroad.
We offer cooperation to dealers and all those interested.
Working with clients all over Russia and abroad.
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